Sunday, March 6, 2011

Guys and Their Toys!!

This birthday boy loves his Honda car and so what makes more sense then to make him a replica of his car as his birthday cake.This was my first time making a car shaped cake, it was allot of fun. This was a vanilla pound cake with my very own signature "Eve's Sweet Chocolate Butter cream". I was very excited to premiere it on this cake and lets just say it was a great great success!! This cake was approx. 5lbs. and 4 layers deep... let me explain to you all that not one piece was left! (No exaggeration) Everyone wanted to take a "chunk" home with them.
Most importantly the birthday boy was very very pleased with his cake.

Here's the birthday boy disassembling the engine, and all my hard work. :-)
P.S. The reason the car has no tires mounted is because 1 week ago the birthday boy's car tires were stolen and we had to pay tribute to that.
Notice all the extra spare tires on the board :-)